Corticosteroid Side Effects: Understanding Risks and Benefits

Corticosteroids and anabolic steroids are both called “steroids,” but they work differently in our bodies. Let’s focus on corticosteroid side effects.   

            Our adrenal glands, which sit on top of our kidneys, make cortocosteroids naturally. These hormones fight inflammation and suppress the immune system. Common natural corticosteroids include cortisol and corticosterone. 

            The adrenal glands have two parts, the outer cortex and the inner medulla. The cortex makes different hormones, including corticosteroids from cholesterol. 

How Corticosteroids Work

            Corticosteroids work by attaching to receptors found in most body cells. This process turns on genes that reduce inflammation and suppress the immune system, while turning off genes that cause inflammation. 

            Doctors prescribe corticosteroids for many conditions, including asthma, allergies, arthritis and autoimmune disorders. You can take them as pills, creams or nasal sprays. .     

Corticosteroid Side Effects

            Common oral corticosteroids that need a prescription include prednisone and methylprednisolone (Medrol). Over-the-counter options like hydrocortisone cream treat skin problems like eczema and rashes. Fluticasone nasal spray helps with allergies and nasal polyps.


Corticosteroid Side Effects:  Side effects can result from both short and long term use.

            It’s important to know about corticosteroid side effects Short-term use usually causes milder problems, but long-term use can lead to more serious issues. Common side effects include weight gain, weaker bones (osteoporosis), and a higher rish of infections.  See Osprey Lifestyle gear for hiking, biking and travel.

Inflammation Reduction

            Long-term use might increase your chances of heart disease. It can also affect your prostate, which is a concern because prostate cancer is common in men.      

            Corticosteroids differ from NSAIDs (like ibuprofen or naproxen), which also reduce inflammation but aren’t steroids. NSAIDs cancause stomach bleeding, while newer drugs, like Celebrex have a lower risk of this side effect.

Remember, corticosteroids are different from anabolic steroids, which some athletes use illegally to build muscle. Anabolic steroids can have serious health risks and are banned in most sports.

While above is not medical advice, and information only, please consult your medical doctor for formal medical advice. 

Barry Schustermann

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